Crown - Cosmetic Dentistry, Restorative Dentistry, Full Mouth Rehabilitation - Dr. Jared Bolding - Omaha, Nebraska

Men and women today feel and act ten years younger than their actual age. Every sit down to think about how many products are tailored to people in their midlife? If not, just watch an hour of primetime TV and you will see just how much influence people in their 30s-50s have as the primary purchasers of products and services. The same is true for most esthetic dental innovations to help enhance and restore your smile and give you a smile makeover.

One of these examples is natural-looking crown and implant restorations and here are just a few reasons why you’ll like them:

You’re an experienced and savvy consumer…

  • Long-lasting natural-looking materials resist chipping, staining, and cracks.
  • Improvements in options and technology have made procedures more time-efficient and patient-friendly.

You’re health conscious…

  • Your damaged or discolored tooth can be covered, protected, and strengthened with a single crown.
  • Bone loss can be prevented by anchoring a permanent new tooth into the jawbone by combining a single crown with a dental implant.
  • Missing teeth can be replaced with several replacement teeth attached to a secure crown or implant bridge restoration to prevent your other teeth from drifting and altering your ability to eat, speak, and socialize.

You love to look great…

  • Crowns made of natural-looking translucent porcelain are beautiful and designed to blend in so well with neighboring teeth that no one can tell that you have them.

Don’t let your smile give away your age. Let us give you a midlife smile makeover!


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