5 Simple Steps To Achieve and Keep A Healthy Smile!
1 :: Brush Regularly
Less than 50% of men and just over half of all women brush more than once a day. Take two minutes twice daily to brush with a soft brush and fluoride toothpaste. This simple habit will remove plaque before it has a change to cause decay.
2 :: Floss Daily
Flossing is not optional. Reaching between teeth and below the gumline where disease often starts, flossing removes up to 40% more plaque than brushing alone.
3 :: Eat Healthfully
Poor nutrition affects your entire body, including your ability to fight gum disease. Some nutritious foods, like strawberries, even whiten teeth!
4 :: Take Care
Avoid chewing pens or ice cubes and break nail-biting habit. Wear a mouthguard for sports that have the chance of contact.
5 :: Visit Us
Call us now to schedule your next professional cleaning appointment!
It’s always the right time to set new goals, and good health should be at the top of your list. We can take your smile one step further and transform your smile to its brightest with professional teeth whitening!